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The Great Oblation Run

by John Marlo Evangelista


The Oblation Run is an annual event in University of the Philippines Diliman. It was the most anticipated event of the Alpha Phi Omega (APO) Fraternity in which their male members were running completely naked around the campus on a designated route.








Originally, the Oblation run was

named from the Oblation. The

statue of a naked man with 

outstretched arms which symbolizes

“selflessness and total offering of

himself for his country.” In other

words, UP students who were

funded by the taxpayer’s money and

so-called Iskolar ng bayan were

expected to give back to their own





The first Oblation Run was rooted from the Martial Law era when the members of the APO protested the banning of the movie “Hubad ng Bayan” which depicted human rights abuse during the Marcos’ regime.


Today, the member of the fraternity run around the campus to protest about the current political or economic situation of the country like human rights, social justice, right to education and agrarian reforms.




The question appears whether their

message gets through to their target

audience. What is the point in

running around the school campus

naked for the purpose of “saving

the mother earth” or “ending the

corruption in our country” if the

people in front of them were more

focused on their “thing” rather than

on their goals?



Was the meaning of the tradition lost and just became a frenzy over the past 40 years? I understand that the first Oblation Run was justified as a strong political maneuver however the reason behind the latter runs completely escapes me. And as far as I can see, the impact of their protest wasn’t that great compared to the impact and happiness to the girls(or boys) who have been in the event.


Finally, I think the reason they do it

aside from commemorating the very

first oblation run was becauseit is

the fastest way to gain media

attention and coverage. As a blogger

posted, will there time a time that the

sight of a naked men longer

attracts attention? I really don’t think

so. Not in this generation.And if that

ever happens, I’m sure the APO

members would find another

way for it, maybe something more

liberated than running around.

I just hope that they will use their

media and public exposure more

effectively for their protest.



Reference and images:


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